Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Samajwadi Party MP Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday had a heated exchange of words at the Lok Sabha during the discussion over the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024. Apperently, Yadav said that no person from outside the community is part of other religious bodies, while Shah refuted the claim as a misleading statement. 

Yadav said, “Yeh bill jo introduce ho raha hai woh bahut sochi samjhi rajneeti ke tehat ho raha hai. When there is a democratic process for election, why nominate people? No person from outside the community is part of other religious bodies. What is the point of including non-Muslims in Waqf bodies?” 

“BJP has brought this legislation to appease some hardliner supporters after its setback in the Lok Sabha election,” he added.

“Your rights and our rights are being curtailed. I told you that you are the judge of democracy. I have heard that some of your rights are being snatched and we would have to fight for you. Speaker sir, I heard in the lobby that some of your rights are also going to be taken away and we will have to fight for you. I oppose this bill,” the SP chief said.

On this, Shah fumed and intervened, saying the “statement” was “misleading”.

“The rights of the Speaker do not belong to the Opposition, but to the whole House. Akhilesh ji is tarah ki golmol ki baat aap nahi kar skate . You are not the protector of the Speaker’s rights,” Shah said.

Interrupting in between, Akhilesh Yadav said, “yeh isslia laa rahe hai kyuki abhi abhi yeh haare hai.”

The Waqf (Amendment) Bill, which seeks to “effectively address” issues related to the powers of the State Waqf Boards, registration and survey of waqf properties and removal of encroachments, was introduced in Lok Sabha.

The Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024, which amends the Waqf Act, 1995, was introduced by Minority Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju.

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