Vinesh Phogat scripted history on Tuesday after she entered the final round of women’s wrestling at the Paris Olympics 2024. Months ago the ace Indian was subject to massive trolling as she led the wrestlers’ protest against BJP leader Brij Bhushan over allegations of sexual harassment. Phogat’s achievement has stirred a massive reaction from the opposition leaders. Congress leader Jairam Ramesh on Tuesday took a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and asked if the PM will call Phogat for her achievement.
विनेश फोगाट का पेरिस ओलंपिक में सिल्वर या गोल्ड मेडल पक्का है। क्या नॉन-बायोलॉजिकल प्रधानमंत्री उन्हें कॉल करेंगे? निश्चित रूप से उन्हें बधाई देने के लिए, लेकिन इससे भी महत्वपूर्ण यह है कि उस शर्मानाक घटना के लिए माफ़ी मांगने के लिए जब महिला पहलवानों के विरोध प्रदर्शन के दौरान…
— Jairam Ramesh (@Jairam_Ramesh) August 6, 2024
“Vinesh Phogat is assured of a silver or a gold medal at Paris. Will the non-biological PM call her? To congratulate her of course but more importantly to apologise for the atrocious manner in which the Delhi Police misbehaved with her during the women wrestlers protest?,” wrote Jairam Ramesh on X.