Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita has played an huge role in communicating her husband’s fighting spirit in jail and people are keen to know that whether she would be entering active politics in the coming day.

In an interaction with PTI editors, senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia indicated that the chances of her joining active politics is bleak and it could end once the party supremo comes out of the Tihar Jail.

Sisodia said, “This role played by Sunita Kejriwal was awesome. I felt very good watching her speeches on the TV. I am so proud of her for playing the role of communicating the fighting spirit of her imprisoned husband to the people in a very fine manner.”

However, he said, “I think after Arvind ji comes out (of jail), this role could end. I don’t think there is anything more to it.”

Praising Sunita Kejriwal as a “well-educated, well-behaved and seasoned lady”, Sisodia said the party needed her at the time of crisis.

“At a time when her fighter husband was jailed, the party (AAP) was in need of someone who could reach out to the people and she became a credible, emotional voice of Arvind Kejriwal,” he said.

After Kejriwal’s arrest on March 21 in connection with an excise policy case, Sunita has served as a bridge between him and the party, and also played a crucial role in the AAP’s campaigning for the Lok Sabha polls in Delhi, Gujarat and Haryana.

The wife of the Delhi chief minister is still actively involved in the Aam Aadmi Party’s campaigning for assembly polls in Haryana slated by the year-end. She has regularly been to the state for campaigning in the past few weeks.

Also, she was present in the meeting of AAP MLAs in Delhi, along with Sisodia and other top leaders earlier this week to discuss preparations for assembly polls here likely in February next year.

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